2023KANSAI HELIOS Austria GmbH becomes the new company name of the long-standing innovation leader, Rembrandtin Coatings GmbH. This highlights its affiliation with the KANSAI HELIOS Group even further, while also strengthening the group’s growth strategy. The groundbreaking for the new hazardous goods warehouse will take place in April 2023.
2017 The European Helios Group becomes part of KANSAI PAINT, one of the world’s leading paint manufacturers. The group becomes KANSAI HELIOS Group and the European competence center of KANSAI PAINT.
2014 Rembrandtin becomes a member of the European Helios Group and benefits from the direct exchange within the group. The company uses state-of-the-art infrastructure for product development.
2005 The company focuses on 4 product pillars: electrical steel coatings, industrial coatings, corrosion protection systems and road marking materials. The aim is to position Rembrandtin even more strongly in the core markets and to expand it in all areas.
2004 Awarded the Interdisc as an exemplary apprentice training company
2000 Awarded the Environmental Prize of Austrian Industry
1999 Awarded the Environmental Prize of Austrian Industry
1998 Eco Audit / ISO 14001
1995 ISO 9001, environmental manager of the month
1994 Awarded the Responsible Care Certificate, environmental prize of the Viennese economy
1993 ALTANA Chemie AG acquires a majority stake in Rembrandtin through its then parent company RHENANIA Werke.
1990 Awarded the Environmental Oscar
1989 After 11 months of construction, the modern plant is opened in June with the participation of leading personalities from politics and business.
1987 Decision to build a new paint factory
1982 Awarded the Austrian coat of arms
1981 Helmuth Seidler takes over the management of the company as managing partner.
1967 Generation change at Rembrandtin. Helmuth Seidler joins his father’s company and continues the work.
1947 Inspired by a label featuring the famous painter Rembrandt, the paint factory now trades under the name Rembrandtin Lackfabrik Julius Seidler.
1937 Julius Seidler acquires a small paint factory from the Dutch company Varossieau & Cie. in the Donaufelderstraße.